This Tuesday, June 5, 2012, I will be facilitating a workshop entitled “Use the Media Before It Uses.” The Youth Education Alliance, which recently merged with Empower DC and one of the very few organizations in the city dedicated to helping DC’s youth realize their own political power, used the media effectively. Jonathan Stith, Empower DC’s Youth Organizer and former Executive Director of YEA has provided us with two powerful examples of their work.
Youth Education Alliance at the April 5, 2007 Budget Hearing
This is video is an example of how youth have used media to spread a message of inspiration and education. In 2007, with Mayor Fenty making drastic budget cuts, YEA members devised a cleaver and creative testimony to then City Council Chair Vincent Gray to portray how the budget cuts were impacting them.
The testimony was an adaptation of an exercise that Christina Reyes-Mitchell did with our youth members during her interview to be Youth Organizer. She didn’t get the position but she made an impact. The exercise became a part of our regular political education toolbox.
The video features YEA alumni David Lawrence Jr.; Taneisha Palmer Tanika Kat Palmer; Rob Gorham; MakinMoves Margaret who gave up their vacation to make it happen when the city unexpected moved the budget hearing to occur during their Spring Break.
Special Shout-Out Ann Caton -one of the finest organizer turned consultant transformed to mom!
Click here to view the embedded video.
The Unguided: Why DC Students Need Guidance Counselors
The Unguided was made in 2006 after YEA had established an office in Anacostia. We found out students had one guidance counselor for the entire school. There were 900 students attending Anacostia. Then we found out they weren’t the only school. The Guidance Counselor Campaign really took off.
YEA members were ahead of the curve on this issue. A great guidance counseling system is a fulcrum and critical support to enriching academic and social environment. The movie shows that great schools have great guidance counseling. Research from Philadelphia seems to support it. Graduation rates in their schools rose to the 90th percentile when students were connected to at least “one caring adult” in the building, even if that person isn’t involved in academic instruction. Isn’t that what Guidance Counselors are supposed to do? The truth isn’t complicated.
Interestingly both Mayor Fenty and Mayor Gray promised to address the guidance counselor shortage to end the school-to-prison pipeline and “double the number” of high school and college graduates. In fact, Mayor Gray promised to “double the number” of guidance counselors as one of his campaign promises. I wouldn’t hold your breath for that one.
If, like the members of the Youth Education Alliance, you would like to learn to use the media to advocate for a cause that’s important to you, then join us at the following:
Empower DC & DC Jobs with Justice Present
Grassroots Leadership Education ProgramHow to Use the Media, Before it Uses You!
Tuesday, June 5th
6:30-8:15 PM
Benning Library3935 Benning Rd, NE / Minnesota Ave Metro / Wheelchair Accessible
Developing a clear, concise message is the key to effectively advocating for your issue in the media! Join Empower DC for our upcoming Empowerment Circle on how to effectively create and use media, Liane Scott from our Grassroots Media project will lead this interactive training!
RSVP to or (202) 234-9119 x 106. Limited child care is available – please RSVP!